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Asriyani Can Increase Ak Sun Shrimp Pempek Production After Becoming a Foster Partner of PT Timah Tbk

*The marketing is increasing

PANGKALPINANG – Pempek is a culinary that is familiar to the public. This typical Palembang food is usually pempek made from fish. Along with its development, pempek has various flavors such as shrimp and squid.

In the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands, pempek is not only made from fish, but there is also shrimp pempek which tastes no less delicious and savory.

Seeing the shrimp pempek business opportunity, which is quite attractive to the community, Asriyani continues to develop her shrimp pempek business. She even has her own brand, Pempek Shrimp Ak Sun.

Asriyani produces shrimp pempek in the Family Alley Area, Jalan Fatmawati Kampak, Pangkalpinang City. Her shrimp pempek business has increased after she became a foster partner of PT Timah Tbk in 2018.

Currently she already has six workers to produce shrimp pempek, especially in the month of Ramadan like this the demand for shrimp pempek continues to increase.

Ak sun shrimp pempek is processed manually from peeling the shrimp to packaging, so the quality is guaranteed. Currently, Pempek Shrimp Ak Sun has been known to the public because of its distinctive taste.

However, because the manual manufacturing process takes a long time, it becomes a challenge for Ak Sun to develop a bigger business in the future.

The increasing demand for shrimp pempek has made her keep thinking about developing her business. It requires capital to increase production.

She decided to take advantage of PT Timah Tbk's Micro Small Business Funding (PUMK) program to develop his business. This has been fruitful, because after getting the capital, she can build a production house and increase the effectiveness of production.

“Since becoming a foster partner of PT Timah, thank God our promotions have increased, PT Timah has been very helpful. In addition, I get to know more MSME friends and can help each other, "explained Asriyani

In addition to business capital loans, MSME actors also receive other assistance such as trainings that help provide knowledge to expand marketing reach.

This also has an impact on its increasing turnover. She said that in the month of Ramadan like this, Asriyani also joined the blessing, because the demand for shrimp increased three times than usual.

"During the month of Ramadan, the production of 35-37 kg of shrimp in a day. On a normal day, 15 kg. The turnover is three times higher than the usual day, you can get more than IDR 3 million a day," said Asriyani as the owner of Pempek Ak Sun.

For this reason, Asriyani hopes that PT Timah Tbk in the future can continue to provide training that can help MSME actors in developing their business.*