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As a Foster Partner of PT Timah Tbk, Dedy Can Develop a Workshop Business, even Pertamini

KUNDUR -- The automotive world continues to grow, there are many opportunities to be involved in this industry. Having expertise in the automotive sector makes Dedy Kirana not want to miss this opportunity.

This father of two children ventured to open a workshop under the name 'Dedy Jaya' himself after eight years working in someone else's workshop. Armed with his expertise, he started his business in 2013.

Admittedly, it is not easy to do business. But he did not give up, thanks to the support he was able to continue to develop his business. He also experienced the ups and downs of the motorcycle repair shop run by Dedy.

"In the beginning, when I opened a repair shop, it was difficult. There were no customers and the vehicle spare parts were not complete," he said.

Over time, his business began to be known, customers began to arrive. The need for vehicle spare parts is also starting to be needed a lot. He experienced a new obstacle, namely the need for capital to meet the equipment needed by consumers.

The obstacle he faced found a bright spot, he got information about PT Timah Tbk's Micro Small Business Funding program so that he could get an injection of capital.

This made him a little relieved, he began to be able to add spare parts at the Workshop which is located on Jalan Besar Sawang Km. 10 Batu Tumbang Village, Batu Tumbang Hamlet, South Sawang Village, West Kundur.

"From there, I can complete and add spare parts so that they are more complete. Consumer needs are also met," he said.

Not only that, but Dedy can also develop other businesses, namely adding to the Pertamina business

"Thank God, at this time I also use loan capital to open a BBM/Pertamini kiosk business," he said.

He admitted, the Covid-19 pandemic also had an impact on his business. However, he remains optimistic that his business can continue because the situation is starting to recover.

For him, the partnership program run by PT Timah Tbk is very helpful for him in developing his business. Not only that, the easy procedure does not make MSME actors like himself confused.

"This program is not only easy, but there also are no deductions and makes it easier for business actors," he said.

"I hope that PT Timah for this partnership fund program can continue to run to be able to help small business actors develop their businesses. Because there are many conveniences and waivers for PT Timah's PUMK program," he said.*