PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Anjeli Happy to Receive School Supplies Package from PT Timah Tbk

*PT Timah Hands over 954 School Supplies Packages for Fishermen's Children in Tebing District

KARIMUN – Anjeli Maria (12) looks happy when she receives a school supplies package from PT Timah Tbk at the Tebing sub-district office, Thursday (24/2/2022).

The student, who is in Grade 6 of elementary school, was very happy to receive gifts that include of bag, book and other stationery equipment. For him, this motivates her to study harder.

"I'm so happy," she said with a smile.

Anjeli is one of 954 students in Tebing Sub-district who received gifts of school equipment from PT Timah Tbk which were distributed by fishermen's children and coastal children throughout Tebing District.

This school equipment gift is part of PT Timah Tbk's CSR to support educational facilities for the children of fishermen in coastal areas. The assistance of 954 school supplies packages containing bags, books, and other stationery was symbolically handed over by the Head of the Kundur Production Unit, Ari Wibowi, at the Tebing sub-district office, Thursday (24/02/2022). The handing over of school equipment parcels implements a health protocol.

Chairman of the Integrated Fishermen NTKK, Azizman, appreciated PT Timah Tbk for providing assistance in the form of school equipment to fishermen's children and also the coastal community in Tebing District.

"With the assistance provided, the children are more enthusiastic in learning," he said.

Similarly, the Head of Tebing Sub-district, M. Rasyid Tarigan, expressed his gratitude for consistently distributing CSR to the community in various fields. This time,
CSR handing over the assistance of school equipment back.

“This kind of thing that PT Timah really cares about the world of education, especially for the children of fishermen and coastal communities in Tebing District. This is very appropriate to help fishermen in meeting the school needs of their sons and daughters so that they can excel in school with adequate learning facilities, "he said.

Meanwhile, the Village Head, Pongkar Zahir said that the assistance from PT Timah Tbk had helped coastal communities in their area.

“Thank you for the company's concern in the education fields and of course this is very helpful for parents, especially fishermen and also the receiving community. PT Timah's contribution to Pongkar Village is deeply felt by my community," he said.

Next time, the school supplies package assistance will be distributed to each sub-district to be distributed to the recipients of the school equipment package.

The handover was also attended by Head of PAM Division PT Timah, Wing Handoko, Head of Kundur Production Unit, Ari Wibowo, Head of Tebing Subdistrict, M. Rasyid Tarigan, Mochamad Triono from the Education Office, Didit Yulianto representative of the Provincial DKP, Zainuddin Head of Small Fisherman Empowerment from the Fisheries Service of Karimun Regency, Mardiana Cliff Village Head.*