PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Amoi Village, PT Timah's Way of Encouraging Community Economy in Tanjung Village

WEST BANGKA – Kampung Amoi, if we hear this name, it might be like the name of a place. Well, Kampung Amoi is not the name of a place but the name of a community empowerment program run by PT Timah Tbk. Kampung Amoi is an acronym for Agro Mandiri and Integrated (Amoi).

In Kampong Amoi, PT Timah Tbk together with Gapoktan Tanjung Jaya carried out integrated agricultural activities with livestock which were carried out in Tanjung Village, Muntok District, West Bangka Regency. This program is an effort of PT Timah Tbk to develop the community's economy with its potential.

The program, which was initiated by PT Timah Tbk in 2021, begins with the construction of a plant nursery, chicken farm, and compost processing. Where this activity also involves the surrounding community.

Amoi Village Secretary Rachmad (34) said that there were many economic benefits that they got from the Amoi Village program. He said that apart from the establishment of a chicken coop that produces eggs and chicken meat, chicken manure is also used to make compost.

The compost obtained is used to provide nutrients to plants in the nursery. Where later the plant can be used for daily needs or sold for MSME raw materials.

Rachmad said that after the Amoy village was formed, GAPOKTAN members felt that they had received many benefits after managing PT Timah's Amoi village.

"In addition to providing additional income for Gapoktan members, from selling plant seeds and chicken products, members also get seeds and fertilizers for their plants. PT Timah always involves Kampung Amoi whenever there is reclamation activity," he said.

He said, in addition to raising chickens, his party also began to develop catfish cultivation. For seeds, he said, his party provided seeds of mangroves, firs, cashews, and fruits.

"Now in addition to PT Timah, the local government and other organizations are ordering seeds from Amoi Village, to be planted as reforestation on bare land and reclamation. Now in Amoi Village, apart from chickens, we develop catfish livestock," he said.

In line with Islan (59), a member of the Tanjung Jaya Gapoktan, said that Amoy village helps farmers' welfare.

"Thanks to PT Timah for helping farmers like us, this program really helps Gapoktan members, apart from income, farmers also get fertilizer for plants," he said.

Meanwhile, Agricultural Field Extension Officer, Tanjung Muntok sub-district, Agustina, said that the Kampung Amoi program is a form of synergy between PT Timah Tbk, farmers and fishermen.

"The current Amoi Village activities that are being carried out include forestry plant nurseries, reforestation, chicken farming and compost houses. Currently, Kampong Amoi is also developing in the field of catfish fisheries and developing banana chips SMEs for the KWT business of the Prosperous Women Farmer group," he said.

Kampong Amoi is also one of the social innovations carried out by the Metallurgical Unit in winning the Proper Emas award in 2021. Through this Amoi Village, PT Timah Tbk drives the community's economy through the community.