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Alumni of the PT Timah Tbk Scholarship Program are Impressive, Invite Younger Class Students to Follow in Their Footsteps

BELITUNG - Alumni of the PT Timah Tbk scholarship program at SMAN 1 Pemali, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, invites students in Belitung to register for the PT Timah Tbk Educational Scholarship program.

This is because currently PT Timah Tbk has opened the New Student Registration (PPDB) Scholarship Program for the 2023/2024 Academic Year at SMAN 1 Pemali, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

Registration for this year's PT Timah Tbk Scholarship program starts on Monday 10 April to 5 May 2023.

Sapta Hadiyansyah, an Alumni of SMA 1 Pemali from Belitung Regency, is happy to be part of the PT Timah Tbk Scholarship program at SMA 1 Pemali, because the PT Timah Tbk scholarship really lightens the burden on his parents.

"I am very proud to be part of this scholarship program. The teachers and supervisors are tireless in helping students and always support student learning activities to the fullest," said Sapta Hadiyansyah.

According to him, the role of PT Timah Tbk in advancing the world of education is very large, because the scholarship is concrete evidence, both in terms of facilities and other supporting aspects.

"Hopefully PT Timah Tbk will always be victorious and more prosperous so that it can help more needy people like us," she explained.

He invited students in Belitung to take advantage of the scholarship program, because by participating in this scholarship program, it can help ease the burden on parents.

"Hopefully, the younger siblings can make their parents, school, district and PT Timah Tbk proud," he stated.
Meanwhile, SMA 1 Pemali Alumni Andini from Selinssing Village, East Belitung said he had mixed feelings when studying at that school.

However, he believes it is a matter of pride because he is able to be independent and of course this will be useful for life at the next level.

"The feeling of being able to go to school there, of course, has its joys and sorrows. I am happy because I can meet new friends, with a new atmosphere that I have never felt before. I am sad because I have to study high school away from my family," she explained.

Andini explained, while he was studying at SMA 1 Pemali and was in the dormitory, the administrators and supervisors were very good at educating and according to the world of education.

"They are always alert when something happens. At first I also thought that the hostel was only filled with smart, ambitious people who just studied and read books all the time. But it turns out that life in the hostel is balanced. Everything has its portion, a time for study and a time for rest," she explained.

Therefore, he assesses that PT Timah Tbk's commitment to helping sons and daughters is very large in realizing excellent human resources.

"PT Timah Tbk is very generous in supporting the educational needs of scholarship class boarding students and female students, as evidenced by the complete infrastructure supporting activities in the dormitory, such as learning books, a comfortable room atmosphere for studying, and providing supporting facilities such as laptops and printers," she said .

"PT Timah Tbk has helped many students who are financially constrained to be able to continue their studies and achieve their goals. I thank PT Timah Tbk for helping me continue my education in high school without thinking about financial constraints," she continued.

Andini invited younger siblings who wanted to continue their studies at SMA 1 Pemali to strengthen their intentions and study seriously.

"My hope for younger siblings is that their schools will run smoothly and achieve their respective goals. Don't be tired of the process because by processing we become aware of our own abilities," she said. (*)