PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Al Huda Mentok Mosque Sacrificial Animal Committee Distributes Sacrificial Meat from PT Timah to the Community 

WEST BANGKA -- One of the mosques that received sacrificial animal assistance from PT Timah Al Huda Mosque, Mentok, West Bangka Regency slaughtered and distributed aid cattle from PT Timah to the community on Monday (17/6/2024).

PT Timah on Eid al-Adha 1445 Hijriah distributed 46 sacrificial animals in West Bangka Regency.

Chairman of the Al Huda Mosque Sacrifice Committee, A.H Haryanto, said that assistance for sacrificial animals from PT Timah and the community would be distributed to those who were entitled to receive them.

This year, the Al Huda Mosque, PT Timah Metallurgical Unit Complex, slaughtered four sacrificial animals.

"The distribution of sacrificial animals were distributed to mosques around PT Timah, residents outside the Timah Unmet complex, TPA and Madrasah teachers, cleaning services, drivers, retirees from PT Timah, the Indonesian Chinese Islamic Association (PITI), and the qurban committee," he said

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Al-I, Thsiom gg Cek Daun Sungaibaru Mosque, Wisqurni, said that every year PT Timah distributes sacrificial animal donations to the qurban committee of the Al-I, Thisom mosque.

"Thank God, PT Timah provides assistance every year with cows to residents. Apart from that, PT Timah and the TNI also provided assistance with water pump machines. Now there are no more obstacles to supplying water for mosque needs, such as ablution, cleaning the mosque and so on," he said.

Chairman of Retired Employees Timah Suryadi said that PT Timah still cares about PT Timah's retirees

"PPT would like to thank PT Timah, it always cares about its former employees, not only sacrificial cows, in other fields, such as health, social, PT Timah cares about its retired employees," he said. (*)