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Al Hikmah Mosque in Rambat Village Receives Assistance from PT Timah Tbk

WEST BANGKA – Al Hikmah Mosque in Rambat Village, Simpang Teritip District, West Bangka Regency received assistance from PT Timah Tbk. This assistance was handed over by CSR to the Chairman of the Al Hikmah Mosque, Fedriansah, Friday (3/6/2022).

Chairman of the Al Hikmah Mosque Ferdiansah said that currently the Al Hikmah Mosque is in the construction stage. So that assistance from various parties is needed to accelerate the completion of the mosque.

"Currently the condition of the Al Hikmah mosque is under construction, it still requires a lot of funds. Thank God there has been various assistance, both from the community, government, and companies. Today we get assistance from PT Timah, hopefully this mosque will be completed quickly," he said.

Similarly, the Head of Rambat Village Ali Imron also appreciated PT Timah Tbk for helping the construction of a mosque in their village.

"Alhamdulillah, it is a pleasure for our mosque to receive PT Timah's assistance. As the village head representing the people of the Rambat village, he would like to thank PT Timah for helping to renovate the construction of our mosque," he said.

Meanwhile, the Simpang Teritip sub-district head H. Samsuri hopes that this assistance can accelerate the completion of the Al Hikmah mosque so that people are more comfortable carrying out worship.

"With the help of various parties, including from PT Timah, it is hoped that the construction of the mosque can accelerate. Thus, the community will be more comfortable carrying out worship. Thank you to all parties for helping," said Samsuri.