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Ak Ti's Kemplang Bakar Business is Marketed Outside of Bangka

*Guided Partner of PT Timah Tbk Successfully Entering the National Market

WEST BANGKA -- Kemplang, typical food of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province which is made from fish, is one of the snacks that are quite attractive to the public. If usually kemplang fried first before consumption.

This is different from the kemplang produced by PT Timah Tbk's partner, Purwanti (44) who produces grilled kemplang. Kemplang with the brand Kemplang Bakar Ak Ti has been known to the people of West Bangka until it was marketed to Jakarta and several other provinces.

Kemplang Bakar Ak Ti is famous for its delicious and savory taste, so it's no wonder he was flooded with orders for Kemplang Bakar.

Purwanti said that the kemplang Bakar business she was living in was a family business. With the help of their husband and husband, Suprapto (47) and Huslaini (63), they produce Kemplang Bakar Ak Ti which is located in Gg Pool, Pait Jaya Hamlet, Belo Laut Village, West Bangka Regency.

She started seriously running this business after his father Abu Bakr (73) suffered a stroke, so he inevitably had to help the family's economy. Her father, who was originally a fish seller, borrowed capital from PT Timah Tbk's Micro Small Business Funding (PUMK) program.

With the remaining capital from her father, Purwanti produces kemplang Bakar Ak Ti, she is grateful for her business to continue to grow with PUMK capital from PT Timah Tbk.

"My father used to borrow PT Timah's PUMK to sell fish, but since my father was sick, he could no longer sell until now," said Purwanti.

"The rest of the capital that Father gave, then the capital was made to make grilled kemplang, which has been a family job that has been undertaken," she continued,

Purwanti's hard work has paid off, through promotions on social media, Kemplang Bakar is increasingly known to the public. Orders are not only from Muntok but also from various other provinces.

"Alhamdulillah, apart from being circulated in shops, it is also promoted on social media. From this social media, customers continue to grow, not only stuck, but also ordered by customers in Jakarta, Bandung, Kalimantan, and others. Due to a large number of orders, they are running out," she said.

She is grateful that his business can continue to grow and can help their family's economy. She even plans to create a special shop for deaf children.

"When future businesses go forward, they want to make a kind of stall for deaf children, because we have deaf children, so there is some kind of activity. Hopefully, Allah will provide a way," she hoped.

According to her, PT Timah Tbk's PUMK funds provide convenience for MSME actors to able to develop their businesses.

"PT Timah's PUMK loan is of low interest, and services to humanist partners, so that the business can continue to run smoothly and develop," she said.