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Ahead of Shrimp Season, PT Timah Tbk Gives Shrimp Nets to KUB Fishermen Anugrah in Pangkalpinang

PANGKALPINANG – The Anugrah Joint Venture (KUB) fishermen group, Temberan Village, Pangkalpinang City received assistance with shrimp nets from PT Timah Tbk.

Chairman of the Fishermen's KUB Anugrah Bondan (44) said that the 100 pcs of shrimp nets would be distributed to members of their group. This assistance is very appropriate because entering December they are starting to prepare to catch shrimp.

"Thank God, 100 pcs of shrimp nets were provided by PT Timah. "Because, from mid-December to February, shrimp season will enter," said Bondan.

They are grateful to be able to get net assistance from PT Timah Tbk because if they had to buy their own nets it would cost a lot of money.

"We are very grateful for the assistance from PT Timah, because if we had to buy shrimp nets it would be quite difficult, because the price is quite high and the average member can only afford 3 to 5 pcs. The price is around 200 thousand per pc ", and it was quite difficult for us to buy it," he said.

According to Bondan, apart from the assistance of nets from PT Timah Tbk, the presence of PT Timah Tbk's mining fleet in the area also helped them increase the number of catches.

"On average, we are only able to lift 5-7 kilograms of shrimp, that's because the nets are limited, but with the assistance from PT Timah, of course, we hope that our income can increase many times over, because the nets are already quite long, which we get it," he said.

"Moreover, with this suction boat, the shrimp will come, because with this boat in the murky water drainage, the shrimp will collect," he continued.

According to him, this mining activity also has a positive impact on increasing their catch. They usually fish at a distance of 200-300 meters from the Isap Boat.

"Indirectly, the impact of this mining activity also has a positive impact on us fishermen. This is also a hope for us with the mining activities carried out by PT Timah, and this mining activity does not disturb us at all, in fact, we are happy. "Aside from shrimp, the potential fish here are snapper, thorn fish and many other types of fish," he said.

In line with Bondan, Abdul Hayat (68), who is also a member of KUB Nelayan Anugrah, also said that the presence of the PT Timah Tbk fleet helped them increase their catch.

"I have been fishing since I was little, and I have worked at sea all my life. "Before this ship existed, we got around 4 to 6 kilograms of fish, but with this ship, we were able to get dozens of kilos," he explained.

According to him, having mining in their area can help increase their catch.

"The existence of this ship from PT Timah doesn't bother us fishermen at all, in fact, with this ship, it invites fish and shrimp to come, because the plankton and worms in the soil come out, so the fish and shrimp come to eat them. ," he said.

"Even in the past, when there were dredgers, we used to get 40 kilograms of shrimp, from morning to evening to pick up the shrimp that were caught in the trawl, because it took quite a long time to collect the shrimp that were caught in the net," said Abdul.

He was very happy to receive assistance with shrimp nets from PT Timah Tbk, even though previously they had never thought they would receive assistance. (*)