PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Ahead of Eid Al-Fitr, Ten Mosques in West Bangka Receive Aid from PT Timah Tbk

WEST BANGKA – Welcoming Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri, PT Timah Tbk handed over aid to ten mosques in Muntok District, West Bangka Regency. The assistance to the mosque was handed over by the Head of the Muntok Metallurgical Unit, Wiyono to the mosque management at the Guest House Metallurgical Unit PT Timah Tbk, Friday (22/4/2022).

This assistance to mosques in the month of Ramadan is an annual routine program of PT Timah Tbk. This time, the mosques in Muntok District that received assistance were the Al Baro'ah Sungaibaru Mosque, the Sungaibaru Daarul Muttaqin Mosque, the Sungaibaru Al-I'tishom Mosque, the Sungaibaru Nurul Hikmah Mosque, the Sungaibaru Ibadurohman Mosque, the Urwatul Wusqo Belo Laut Mosque, the Nurul Iman Belo Mosque The sea, the Al-Fitryyah Keranggan Mosque, the Al-Istiqomah Tanjung Mosque, and the Uisah 'Ala Taqwa Tanjung Mosque

The Chairperson of the Urwatul Wutsqo Mosque, Robby Arzuli Priyatna, revealed that PT Timah Tbk cares about the development of the mosque, this is evidenced by the frequent help of mosques to improve mosque facilities and activities.

"Alhamdulillah, our mosque has received assistance from PT Timah, not just once, it has been the umpteenth time. We give great appreciation, because we consider this an extraordinary concern from PT Timah in the Muntok district of West Bangka," he said.

According to Robby, PT Timah Tbk not only provides assistance to the mosque but also other social assistance to the community. Where this assistance has had an impact on the community and also PT Timah Tbk.

Likewise, the Chairperson of the Al Baroah Mosque, Ridwan Zahri, conveyed that the assistance from PT Timah Tbk to these mosques was also a form of the company's concern for the community.

"We are grateful because until now PT Timah still exists in the mining business.

With the existence of PT Timah, it can help the community, including mosques.

Hopefully the assistance provided can be increased and can bring blessings to PT Timah, so that it will always be in glory," said Ridwan.

On this occasion, PT Timah also gave gifts to mosque administrators who were present at the handing over of aid for mosques and prayer rooms.*