PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Ahead of Eid al-Adha, PT Timah Distributed Dozens of Sacrificial Animals in West Bangka Regency

WEST BANGKA -- Ahead of the Eid al-Adha 1445 Hijriah holiday, PT Timah is again distributing sacrificial animals to communities in the Company's operational areas, including West Bangka Regency.

PT Timah handed over 46 heads of cattle to the community in West Bangka Regency. The symbolic handover of the sacrificial animals was handed over by the Head of the Processing and Smelting Division of PT Timah Sofian Simangunsong to the sacrificial committee, on Friday (14/6/2024).

Dozens of sacrificial animals will be distributed to places of worship, agencies, and PT Timah stakeholders.

West Bangka Regency Government's Sacrificial Animal Slaughter Committee, Agus Sunawan, when receiving assistance, was grateful that PT Timah provided the sacrificial animal assistance.

"On behalf of the West Bangka Regency Government, we are grateful and grateful to PT Timah for providing sacrificial animal assistance to the people of West Bangka which was collected by the West Bangka regency government," he said.

He said that these sacrificial animals would later be distributed to people who were entitled to receive them. So you can share happiness at the moment of Eid al-Adha.

"We hope that PT Timah will continue to provide benefits to the people of West Bangka Regency," he said. (*)