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Afifah's Getas Business Has Grown After Becoming a Foster Partner of PT Timah Tbk

CENTRAL BANGKA -- Kurau Village has a lot of fishery potential, so many local people process fish into various foods such as brittle or kretek.

Getas is one of Bangka's special foods which comes from fish, its shape is similar to crackers. It has a savory, brittle taste which is suitable for snacks or friends to eat.

Seeing the brittle business opportunity that is quite developed, one of PT Timah Tbk Mahyana's fostered partners started a brittle business with the brand 'AFIFAH'.

In addition to getas, they also produce ampiang and kericu with various flavors other than fish, such as squid, shrimp, and crab.

Mahyana said that her business was growing after becoming a fostered partner of PT Timah Tbk. The increase in his business can be seen from the increase in the number of workers and increased production.

"Alhamdulillah, her business has progressed a lot after becoming a fostered partner of PT Timah Tbk. Previously, only the family worked but now there are around 50 people working, especially during the Eid season," she said.

Apart from that, she said, after becoming partners with PT Timah Tbk, they could also build a new production house. So as to facilitate the process of making brittle.

"With the capital loan from PT Timah Tbk, we can buy more raw materials such as fish. As well as other ingredients, production will automatically increase. In one day we can produce around 200 more kg," she said.

In addition, they also add production items to facilitate the production process.

In marketing, they also continue to grow by utilizing promotions from social media. They have also marketed their products to supermarkets, stalls, and souvenir shops.

In addition, they also opened a sales gallery at their home in West Kurau Village, Koba District, Central Bangka Regency.

PT Timah Tbk also said he assisted them in promoting their products such as through exhibitions. Besides that, their products are also in Tins Gallery.

"There are lots of benefits that can be felt after becoming PT Timah Tbk's fostered partner, there has been a lot of progress from the business we are doing," she said.

She said, they also received guidance from PT Timah Tbk and assisted with product halal certification. So this helps them in running their business.

"There is also coaching from PT Timah Tbk so that the business is growing because there is training and we also get a halal certification," she said. (*)