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Achieved Success from Scholarship, PT Timah's Pemali Boarding School Program Alumni Share Inspirational Stories

PANGKALPINANG -- PT Timah's Pemali Boarding School program, formerly known as the SMA 1 Pemali Excellence Class, has produced a number of alumni who have successfully contributed in various professions.

A total of 886 alumni have received educational scholarships from PT Timah which began in 2000. The program is consistently implemented by PT Timah to encourage the improvement of the quality of human resources in Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Riau Province and Riau Islands Province.

The alumni of the Pemali Boarding School Program include Lizulka Ulban and Dr. Rosalin Yuniarti who shared inspiring stories of how education taken at Pemali Boarding School became a stepping stone to success.

Lizulka Ulban, an alumnus of the 2nd batch of Pemali Boarding School who entered in 2001, shared that her experience of studying in the dormitory had shaped her discipline.

This was told by Lizulka some time ago when talking with the PT Timah Corcom Team in the stunting socialization activity for students at SMAN 1 Pemali.

“I used to feel really tortured coming here, but it turned out to be not as scary as imagined. What I remember most is discipline, something that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives,” she said.

Lizulka is also happy to see that the bicycles used by their generation are still in the dormitory. Not many changes have occurred and the distinctive dormitory atmosphere still feels the same.

According to Lizulka, PT TIMAH's PBS program has become a bridge for many outstanding children, including those who come from families with economic limitations.

“The existence of this program is like opening a door, like providing a ladder for children in tin operational areas to get better opportunities in education,” she added.

Lizulka, who is now active in a non-profit organization, the Indonesian Breastfeeding Mothers Association (AIMI), admits that the scholarship from PT Timah is the biggest opportunity in her life to achieve her goals.

“If I hadn't received this scholarship program, I probably wouldn't have been able to study at a university out there. This program opens the door for children who come from families with limited economic means to achieve a better future,” he said.

He also advised students who are still in education to be serious and make the most of this opportunity to learn.

“It may feel hard, but don't give up because this will be your provision for a brighter future,” Lizulka said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Rosalin Yuniarti, an alumna of the 5th batch who graduated in 2007, also shared her experiences as a student at Pemali Boarding School. She felt amazed when she set foot back at Pemali Boarding School, which became her home for three years.

“When I arrived here, I was amazed to see the state of the dormitory now, not much has changed but some of it has been renovated to be even better,” she said

Dr. Rosalin, who is now an internal medicine specialist and lecturer at the University of Bangka Belitung, said that being one of the Pemali Boarding School students was one of the greatest gifts in her life.

“I used to get a full scholarship and also a good environment, which made me not afraid to face challenges in the future. This scholarship is one of the greatest gifts that ever happened in my life,” she said.

Rosalin emphasized that PT TIMAH's PBS has given birth to many talents who are now contributing to the people of Bangka Belitung.

“I feel I have a debt of gratitude to PT TIMAH and Bangka Belitung, and I want to repay it with contributions to society,” she said.

Rosalin advised the students to continue to be motivated and never give up.

Rosalin advised the students to keep their spirits up and never give up.

“Don't be afraid, seek as much experience and knowledge as possible, this is our start to see the world,” she said.

The two alumni also expressed their appreciation to PT Timah for consistently running the Pemali Boarding School scholarship program, and for providing a way for students in the company's operational areas to improve their quality of life in the future. (*)