PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Accelerating Completion of Renovation of the Al Anwar Musala in Sebesi Village, PT Timah Tbk Hands Over Aid

TANJUNG BATU -- To speed up the renovation of Musala Musala Al - Anwar Hamlet IV Parit Baru Sungai Sebesi Village, PT Timah Tbk handed over assistance to the Musala management.

This assistance was handed over by the Riau Islands and Riau Islands PPM Coordinator Eka Budhy Susanto to the head of Al-Anwar Mosque Development, Mustaqim, Tuesday (25/10/2022).

Mustaqim said their prayer room had suffered some damage so the community agreed to renovate the prayer room together with funds from the Musala treasury.

"The old prayer room can no longer be used because many conditions have been damaged so that the congregation feels uncomfortable to worship. For this reason, the people of Dusun IV Parit Baru have agreed to repair the Musala independently and work together using the Musala cash," he said.

However, it is undeniable that renovating costs a lot. So they are very grateful for the assistance from PT Timah Tbk in order to accelerate the renovation of the prayer room.

"We are pleased with the attention given by PT Timah. Moreover, at this time we are in need of a large amount of money to complete the construction of this Musala so that it can be completed quickly and can be used by the people here," he said.

Similarly, the village head of Sei Sebesi Nazaruddin was pleased that PT Timah Tbk had helped repair the Musala to facilitate the construction of the Musala.

"I represent the people of Sei Sebesi Village, especially the residents of Parit Baru, thanking PT Timah for the assistance that has been given. Hopefully with this assistance, the process of building the Al-Anwar Mosque can be completed soon," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Kundur, Saifulloh, expressed his appreciation to PT Timah for its assistance and support for the community in its working area.

"PT Timah, which consistently and sustainably continues to provide assistance to the community. Hopefully in the future PT Timah can continue to grow and contribute to the community and contribute to the development in Kundur District," he said.