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Accelerate the Handling of Covid-19, PT Timah Tbk Provides Isoters in Muntok

WEST BANGKA – The number of the spread of Covid-19 in West Bangka Regency has continued to increase in recent weeks. To assist the handling of Covid-19, PT Timah Tbk provides a Central Isolation Place (Isoter) located at the PT Timah Tbk Dormitory in Muntok, West Bangka Regency.

Based on the data released from the page, the number of confirmed Covid-19 patients in West Bangka as of Thursday (24/2/2022) reached 6,033 people, with 5,595 recovered patients. Currently, 294 people are undergoing isolation.

The PJU of the Bangka Belitung Police, accompanied by the Head of the West Bangka Police together with the Chair of the West Bangka Covid-19 Task Force, Achmad Nursyandi, also monitored the Isoter location provided by PT Timah Tbk, Thursday (24/2/2022).

West Bangka Covid-19 Task Force Team Leader, Achmad Nursyandi, appreciated PT Timah Tbk for consistently assisting the Regional Government in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.

"Thank God, in principle, we feel helped by Isoter provided by PT Timah Tbk, thank you to PT Timah," he said.

According to him, providing this Isoter is a form of PT Timah Tbk's seriousness in assisting the Government in handling Covid-19.

"We hope that this collaboration and synergy will continue. This isoter is a form of PT Timah's seriousness in helping the government in handling Covid-19," he said.

The Head of the West Bangka Police, AKBP Agus Siswanto, also appreciated that PT Timah had helped provide Isoters for Covid-19 patients, so that they could speed up breaking the chain of the spread of Covid-19.

"We thank PT Timah for helping to provide Isoter. Handling Covid is our shared responsibility," he explained.

On this occasion, he also motivated the Covid-19 patients who were being isolated to recover quickly.

Currently, there are several Covid-19 patients who are undergoing isolation at the Integrated Isolation Center provided by PT Timah Tbk.*