PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


A total of 389 blood bags were collected at PT Timah's 48th-anniversary service

PANGKALPINANG -- A total of 389 blood bags were collected during PT Timah's Month of Service activities which were held to welcome PT Timah's 48th anniversary.

Blood donation activities in the context of PT Timah's Month of Service were carried out at seven points: Sungailiat, Matras Village, Toboali, Kundur, Belitung, Mentok, and Pangkalpinang.

PT Timah collaborates with PMI in each district to distribute blood in various regions.

Blood donation is one of the routine programs carried out by PT Timah during the Month of Service. This is PT Timah's effort to educate the public about donating blood. The reason is, that the need for blood also continues to increase.

In welcoming the 48th anniversary of PT Timah, the theme is 'Compact Moving' which also means moving together to help each other.

Blood donors are PT Timah employees and also the general public. They seemed enthusiastic about helping others by donating blood.

Chairman of PMI Bangka Belitung, Abdul Fatah, even on several occasions also participated in monitoring the implementation of blood donations held in the context of PT Timah's Month of Service.

Abdul Fatah said that PT Timah's Month of Service is an activity that suits the needs of the community

"This activity was carried out according to community expectations. We hope that this activity will not stop here. It will develop further," he said.

Likewise, PMI Pangkalpinang UTD Coordinator, Puspita Sari, admitted that she was greatly helped by PT Timah's 48th anniversary service month activities, because it could help PMI provide blood stocks.

"This month of service activity really helps PMI, because every day we need 40 bags of blood. "Today's activity is very helpful. Incidentally, PMI Pangkalpinang's blood stock is currently low. If there is a mass event like this, donors are indeed high, especially as PT Timah provides souvenirs for donors," he explained.

Puspita hopes that PT Timah's collaboration with PMI Pangkalpinang can continue, to support and meet the need for blood in Pangkalpinang.

"Through events like this, PMI is greatly helped in replenishing blood stocks in Pangandaran. Thank you to PT Timah, hopefully, we can continue collaborating with events like this. "Happy 48th anniversary PT Timah, hopefully it will be even more prosperous," he said.

One of the PT Timah employees who participated in the Dewi Intan Sari blood donation from the Division shared her first experience of participating in a blood donation. Even though he felt nervous, he gained a new experience.

"Even though I'm nervous, I'm happy to be able to be involved in the service month activities for PT Timah's 48th anniversary this time. Because so far he only dared to see other people donating, and PT Timah's 48th anniversary can be directly involved in becoming a donor," he said.

Likewise with the residents of Kampung Dul, Tanizar, who deliberately came to donate blood.

This man, who has donated blood 49 times, also feels the health benefits of donating.

"Thank God, by regularly donating blood, I rarely get sick and am always healthy," he said. (*)