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36 Superior Class Students Handed Over at Pemali Boarding School

Acceptance of PT Timah Scholarship Class or Pemali Boarding School students for 2024/2025 is entering the final round. After following several selection stages, 36 students were declared to have passed and were entitled to study at SMU Negeri 1 Pemali, Bangka Regency. The handover ceremony for new students was held at the Cassiterite Building, PT Timah Pemali Learning Center, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Wednesday (10/07/24).

Heru Khailani, Plt. Head of the Bangka Belitung Islands Region II Education Service Branch, appreciated PT Timah for its contribution and support to the world of education, especially in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province and also the Riau Islands Province "Thank God, the stages of accepting new students are running smoothly," he said.

He hopes that the school and the dormitory where the students stay can become a place for them to study seriously and develop their potential.

"With the various facilities available at schools and dormitories, we hope that these students can develop their interests and talents, as well as increase their potential for achievement," said Heru.

The same thing was conveyed by Elfina, Mpd as Head of SMA Negeri 1 Pemali. He also appreciated the education program from PT Timah.

"This is an extraordinary program because it can provide broad educational services to underprivileged students," he said.

Pemali Boarding School (originally called Class Unggulan) was first launched by PT Timah in 2000. This program targets junior high school students who have graduated to continue their education at the Senior High School (SMA) level at SMAN 1 Pemali and is intended for students who excel but are less fortunate economically.

Every year this scholarship class program is always enthusiastically welcomed by students in Bangka, Belitung, and also the Riau Islands. In 2023, 257 participants registered for the PT Timah scholarship class program.

To date, the Pemali Boarding School Program has graduated around 851 alumni, spread across the country and abroad, and taking part in various fields of work.

One of the main objectives of the efforts of members of the MIND ID PT Timah Mining Industry holding company is to improve the quality of human resources in the mining area and also reduce the school dropout rate.

Previously, students who had passed this program had undergone a series of tests: administrative selection, field surveys, academic potential tests, psychological tests, interviews, clinical psychology analysis, and document validation and health tests.*