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PT Timah Tbk Presents Leadership Coaching Culture Program

To present strong leaders with global competitiveness, PT Timah Tbk held a grand launching and Tins Leadership Coaching Culture Program Workshop at Graha Timah Pangkalpinang, Monday-Wednesday (22-24/8/2022).

This activity was attended by Division Heads, Section Heads, and staff within PT Timah Tbk. This workshop, which Vanaya guides, will be a new chapter in producing excellent leaders at PT Timah Tbk.

President Director of PT Timah Tbk, Achmad Ardianto also gave a speech during this virtual activity. This activity was also attended by the Director of Human Resources of PT Timah Tbk Yennita.

In his remarks, the President Director of PT Timah Tbk supports this program and is in line with the company's efforts to have leaders who are able to inspire and motivate their teams.

Currently, said the President Director, PT Timah Tbk is facing complex challenges, amid the threat of a global recession, falling commodity prices, and rising inflation.

For that, he said, internal strengthening is needed so that PT Timah Tbk is not in a dangerous situation as a corporation. He hopes that in the future the leaders at PT Timah Tbk can bring PT Timah Tbk out of the various problems they face.

"This program is very relevant because of the current conditions because the challenges we face come from external and internal. To achieve the company's goals we need leaders who are able to inspire and motivate the team," he said. (**)