PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Employees and Community Enthusiastically Participate in Blood Donation in PT TIMAH Tbk's Month of Service, 109 Blood Bags Collected on the First Day

PANGKALPINANG -- On the first day of the Bulan Bhakti, PT TIMAH Tbk managed to collect 109 bags of blood from the blood donation activity held at Graha Timah Pangkalpinang, Monday (27/6/2022).

PT TIMAH Tbk in synergy with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Pangkalpinang City held a blood donation to welcome the 46th Anniversary of PT TIMAH Tbk which will fall on August 2, 2022.

The employees and the general public enthusiastically welcomed the blood donation activity, even the President Director of PT TIMAH Tbk Achmad Ardianto and the Human Resources Director of PT TIMAH Tbk participated in donating blood in this activity.

The 109 bags of blood collected consisted of 37 bags of blood group A, 35 bags of blood group B, 27 bags of blood group O, and 10 bags of blood group AB.

Director of HR of PT TIMAH Tbk Yennita said, blood donors not only help others but also provide health impacts for donors such as improving blood circulation.

"This is an annual routine activity carried out by PT Timah Tbk and the enthusiasm of the employees is also quite high, so we hope that more and more donors can increase the bloodstock for those in need. Because this blood donation helps others," he said.

One of the employees of PT Timah Tbk who participates in blood donation, Heri Purwanto said that he regularly donates blood, and coincidentally today a mass blood donation was held in the framework of PT TIMAH Tbk's Month of Service.

"I am a regular blood donor and I happen to be at the office today, so that's fine. Blood donation can help people who need blood," he said.

One of the other donors, Edi Siswanto, a resident of Kace Village, said that he participated in the blood donation as well as accompanied his son who took part in the mass circumcision activity.

"I know there are blood donors because I take children to take part in mass circumcision, usually it is routine to donate blood. This activity is very fitting, a kind of help, my child is assisted by PT TIMAH Tbk for circumcision and I also donate blood to help other people," he said.

Meanwhile, the Field Coordinator for the Implementation of Blood Donation at PT TIMAH PMI Pangkalpinang City, Bobby Angga Pratama, said that the enthusiasm of PT Timah Tbk employees and the general public to participate in blood donation was quite high.

"The enthusiasm is quite high, there were even 22 people who had registered but couldn't donate due to health conditions. Today, 109 bags of blood were collected," he said.

According to him, the Month of Service activity which presents blood donors is a very good activity, because currently, the blood stock is still lacking.

"With activities like this, we can increase the bloodstock, because we still lack bloodstock to help people in need," he said.

In the event of the Month of Service in 2022, PT TIMAH Tbk held a mass circumcision and blood donation in the company's operational areas.*