PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


After Receiving Assistance from PT Timah Tbk, Aryan was Finally Able to Refer his Son to the General Hospital of Bangka Belitung Province

WEST BANGKA -- To ease the medical expenses for the residents of Hamlet VI Pait Jaya, Belo Laut Village, Muntok District, West Bangka Regency, PT Timah Tbk provided assistance to Aditya (25) who suffers from pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in and OA.

Aditya has been lying in bed for six months because of his illness. He has even undergone surgery at Sejiran Setason Hospital, but his health condition has not improved. So it is advisable to visit the Provincial General Hospital.

However, Aditya's parents, Aryanto (53) have not been able to bring their baby to the Provincial General Hospital because of financial constraints. works only as odd laborers and his wife Mardiah (45) only has a small business at home only to fulfill her daily life.

Aryanto is grateful to be able to Refer the Child after receiving assistance from PT Timah Tbk. So that their children can get better care.

"Alhamdulillah, the intention to refer Adit came true after receiving assistance from PT Timah. Previously we postponed it due to family economic factors. With uncertain income, we have not been able to determine Adit's needs while undergoing treatment there," he explained.

Mardiah (45), Aditya's mother, told about the pain experienced by Aditya
congratulations on this. First, the pain was in the hip, which gradually spread and a lump appeared in the stomach. He was taken to the hospital and has undergone three operations at the Sejiran Setason Hospital.

"We are grateful, thank you to PT Timah for helping, as well as to the RT and Kadus. The assistance from PT Timah will be used for my child's needs during treatment in Pangkalpinang. Hopefully, Adit will get better treatment and he can recover," he hoped.

Meanwhile, the Head of Hamlet VI Pait Jaya. Erik said that PT Timah often helps its citizens who are in a disaster.

"PT Timah often helps our residents who experience disasters, CSR services are very good, respond quickly and residents are helped by what PT Timah provides," said Erik.