About Us

PT TIMAH Tbk has Mining Business Permits (IUP) for the area of 473.310 hectares onshore and offshore of Bangka, Belitung, and Kundur Island

PT Timah Industri (TI)

PT Timah Industri is a direct subsidiary that is owned by the Company which engages in the downstream tin industry intending to increase added value Company’s located in the KIEC Cilegon area, Banten. The products produced by  PT Timah Industri are tin solder and tin chemical. Tin chemical is  the best heat stabilizer because it is beneficial for rolling, forming, and injecting hard moulded Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) moulding materials. This material is also used in the food packaging plastic industry and other hard Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) products for the plastic building material industry such as doors, plastic windows, water pipes and decoration materials. PT Timah Industri was established based on Notarial Deed Imas Fatimah, S.H., No. 74 dated June 18, 1998.

 TIMAH's Share Ownership is as follows:

Shareholders  Number of Shares (/lembar) Ownership Percentage (%)
PT TIMAH Tbk 1.199.630 99,99
PT TImah Investari Mineral 120 0,01


The Vision and Mission of PT Timah Industri are:
Vision : To be the leading tin downstream company in the world
Mission :
1. Building competent human resources in tin downstream industries.
2. Strengthening competitiveness and value added in tin downstream products.
3. Boosting domestic tin downstream products uses.

The composition of the Board of Commissioners and Directors of PT Timah Industri are as follows :

Name / Nama Occupation/ Jabatan
Alwin Albar President Commissioner / Komisaris Utama
Heri Nurzaman Commissioner/ Komisaris
Ria Pawan Wardhani President Director / Direktur Utama
Amin Haris Sugiarto Director / Direktur