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Directors, Ka. Units and Division Heads Participate in Executive Leadership Workshop

#leadership workshop

The board of directors, unit heads and division heads within PT Timah Tbk and Subsidiaries attended the Executive Leadership Workshop, Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at Graha Timah. The activity in collaboration with the DuPont Sustainable Solutions safety consultant is related to the implementation of the K3 Culture within the PT Timah group.

The workshop was also held virtually and was attended by a number of heads of fields in a number of operational areas, including the Bangka Land Mining Unit, Bangka Marine Mining Unit, Belitung Mining Unit, Riau Islands and Riau Regional Mining Unit and Muntok Metallurgical Unit.

The Executive Leadership Workshop is one part of the Safety Performance & Culture Transformation journey "Creating the TIMAH Way" in the context of "Mucak" K3 Culture.

This activity aims to understand individual governance structures that focus on improving safety, as well as establish a Central Safety Committee and Sub Committees. *