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32 Employees Join Advanced Business Academy

About 32 employees of PT. Timah and its subsidiaries attended the advanced Business Academy (ABA) with the theme Journey Towards Sustainbility.
President Commisioner PT. Timah Tbk, Fachri Ali With all of the staff Commisioners, The President Director PT. Timah Tbk, Riza Pahlevi along with the directors and Inalum Strategic Services Director, Ogi Prastomiyono also attended the ABA opening Activities , which were held at the Pemali Learing Center,Which opened on Thursday, 15 August 2019.
ABA is an effort by the companyto develop Human Resources that are prepared to be leaders in facing challenges today and in the future. For one year, The ABA participants will receive training from various world-class mentors, one of them lecturers from oxford university.